Personalized Treatments — Best Way to Lose Weight

Each of our Provider’s patients receives a personalized medical weight loss treatment plan based on an extensive analysis of their body type, behavior, and goals. By using the latest medical technology at the Utah Medical Weight Loss Center to fully understand a patient’s body composition, Dr. Rigby and our other Providers can more accurately track a patient’s progress and recommend the best way to lose weight. Patients who are informed of their specific body condition can more confidently stick to our Provider’s recommendations around diet, exercise, and supplemental treatments.

While health diet and exercise are extremely important to losing weight, our Provider’s treatments also address a multitude of other factors.

Weight Loss Factors



Fat storing substances like cortisol and insulin make it harder to lose weight, and are often caused by chronic diseases like diabetes or hypothyroidism.


Stress Levels

A person constantly exposed to stress produces more cortisol, which increases their belly fat and sugar cravings.



Certain genetic patterns can predispose a person to obesity. By recognizing a pattern in family BMI’s, Dr. Rigby and our other Providers might consider certain weight loss treatments over others.



Also tied to genetics, every person burns calories at a different rate. Our Providers can help patients improve their metabolism by determining a strategy to build lean muscles and cut down on inefficient dietary preferences.


Activity Level

By improving daily levels of physical activity, people can overcome genetic dispositions toward obesity. Dr. Rigby and our other Providers will work with you to determine the most effective and enjoyable way to burn fat and build muscle.



Everyone is aware that eating patterns can impact their BMI and overall health. Our Providers can find a meal replacement or supplement program to assist patients with natural and healthy dietary changes.


A wide variety of prescription and over-the-counter medications cause weight gain with fat storage, appetite increases, and metabolism slow-downs.



Sleep is essential to the health of cells that correctly process insulin and digest food. Without it, insulin stores unnecessary fat.



What’s in your refrigerator right now? Where do you live? Based on your surroundings, exercise may be more easily accomplished and healthy food may be more accessible. Dr. Rigby and our other Providers will help you make the best of your personal situation on your weight loss journey.

Whatever your circumstances, our Providers know there is a way to help. Don’t feel intimidated or overwhelmed with losing weight. Give Dr. Rigby and our other Providers a call at the Ogden Clinic and learn more about the best way to burn fat and keep it off.